My Upcoming Boutique Workshop UNLOCKING THE REAL YOU

by Nim Gholkar

Hey everyone,

Just a quick post. As many of you know, I host a FREE ‘Follow your Dream & Find your Life Purpose’ workshop 3-4 times year. The most recent one was held last weekend in Sydney. The next free workshop will be coming up in Brisbane and Melbourne (Woohoo!)

Why are these workshops FREE? Well, because I’m passionate about getting the message out to as many women as possible that it is possible to create a life you love….with the right mindset, the right questions we can ask ourselves and with the right tools. This basic workshop introduces hope and inspiration and because I’d like women to start re-assessing their self-limiting beliefs, I like to outline the fundamental action steps.

But as we all know, knowledge is knowledge only if it is acted upon. If we just keep gathering knowledge and ‘how to’ strategies without ever implementing them in our lives, it becomes little more than an exercise in information-collecting.

AND THAT’S WHERE MY ‘EXCLUSIVE’ ‘UNLOCKING THE REAL YOU’ WORKSHOP COMES IN. Priced at just $127, it’s a VALUE PACKED 5 hour session where I work with small, intimate groups of women and help them take that crucial next step forward in their personal journeys. The ‘Unlocking the real YOU’ workshop is NOT for everyone. Who, then, is it for? It is for women who:

1) are determined to make a positive change in their lives 2) are unafraid to dream BIG and discover their hidden potential 3) are willing to risk failure to achieve their dearest dreams and desires.

In this workshop, we CREATE personalised VISION BOARDS (a visual representation of goals & dreams that crystallises your vision for the ultimate life and spurs you on to success), RE-EXAMINE YOUR FRIENDSHIPS (we are after all, the company we keep), LEARN HOW TO COMMUNICATE in practically any situation (never be lost for words again!), BUILD YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE and lots more. Each attendee gets to explore her own personal journey in detail. We all work together in this workshop as one group and cheer each other on to achieve what once seemed impossible.

The next SYDNEY ‘Unlocking the real YOU’ workshop will be held early SEPTEMBER. (Brisbane/Melbourne, yours will be later this year – will post more details soon). To reserve your spot, please email me at or connect with me on Facebook ‘Nim Gholkar’ and leave a comment/message.

Looking forward to seeing all you incredible women out there soon.

Love & Hugs, Nim

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