A quick update

by Nim Gholkar

I haven’t blogged much recently….been busy with quite a few things.

Many readers have written to me asking what I’ve been up to recently, so here’s a very quick and brief update.

For the past several months, I’ve had several speaker engagements…which is great, because I’ve been able to build a platform as a speaker. I usually talk about arranged marriages, creative thinking and cross-cultural communication. If you’d like me to present a talk at your bookclub/university/organisation etc, all you have to do is drop me a line at nim@nimsniche.com with details of which topic you’d like me to speak on and the duration of the talk.

Currently, I’m putting the finishing touches to my second book which is non-fiction and deals with personal development for women. Due to be published later this year (2016).

Once that’s done, I’ll be starting work on my 3rd book (fiction) for an Australian publisher.

I promise to blog more regularly going forward.

DO stay in touch. I’m on Facebook (Author Nim Gholkar) and Twitter (@NGholkar)

Much love,

Nim x

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