20 Best Motivational Books of all time

by Nim Gholkar

Hey everyone,

Today I’m sharing with you a list of some of the best business and motivational books I’ve ever read.

These books, written by industry experts, are filled with universal wisdom and make fantastic reading.

So here they are in no particular order:

1) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R.Covey)

2) Start with WHY (Simon Sinek)

3) Rich Dad Poor Dad ( Robert Kiyosaki)

4) How to win Friends and Influence People (By: Dale Carnegie)

5) Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Susan J. Jeffers)

6) Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert B. Cialdini)

7) The Secret (Rhonda Byrne)

8) Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

9) The Monk who sold his Ferrari (Robin Sharma)

10) Awaken the Giant Within (Anthony Robbins)

11) Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (Richard Carlson)

12) The Power of NOW (Eckhart Tolle)

13) The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)

14) The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)

15) Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom)

16) The 5 People you meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom)

17) The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

18) The Greatest Salesman in the World (Og Mandino)

19) Who Moved My Cheese (Dr Spencer Johnson)

20) See you at the Top (Zig Ziglar)

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